Data & Code

Understanding Patterns and Trends in Income Mobility through Multiverse Analysis | published | preprint | replication

Social Mobility in Sweden before the Welfare State | published | preprint | replication

Industrial Automation and Intergenerational Income Mobility in the United States | publishedpreprint | replication

Learning Loss Due to School Closures During the COVID-19 Pandemic | publishedpreprintsupplementarypreregistration | code

Trends and Disparities in Subjective Upward Mobility since 1940 | publishedsupplementary | replication

Heritability of Education Rises with Intergenerational Mobility | publishedpreprintsupplementary | replication

American Geography of Opportunity Reveals European Origins | publishedpreprint | supplementary | replication

What Do Books in the Home Proxy For? A Cautionary Tale | publishedpreprint | supplementary | replication

Status Loss: The Burden of Positively Selected Immigrants | publishedpreprint | supplementary | replication